Go Community Play: Reflecting on a Year of Success

Last year, we had the incredible opportunity to run Go Community Play programs at local libraries in Fremantle and Success, in partnership with local governments of Fremantle and Cockburn and Multicultural Futures. Through collaboration with local stakeholders and organizations, we created a welcoming space where people of all ages and backgrounds could come together to learn and play the ancient game of Go.

Our successful programs relied on a triangle approach, consisting of local governments providing funding, local libraries hosting the program, Institute 361 delivering the program, and Multicultural Futures auspicing the program. This partnership enabled us to reach a diverse audience and foster a sense of community around Go.

Key Lessons Learned

Reflecting on our experience, here are some of the key takeaways that made our programs a resounding success:

  • Accessible Location: Choosing venues near public transport with ample parking made it convenient for participants to attend.
  • Local Facilitators: Our facilitators were not only well known in the community but also spoke Mandarin, which made the program more inclusive and welcoming.
  • Effective Co-Promotion: Partnering with local libraries for promotion and using well-designed posters increased awareness and engagement in the community.
  • Structured Curriculum: Providing a curriculum that focused on specific topics each session helped participants build their skills and knowledge progressively.
  • Diverse Participation: Bringing together participants from a range of backgrounds, ages, cultures, and abilities enriched the experience for everyone involved.

The Impact

Our programs attracted more than 100 people, demonstrating the demand for community-oriented activities that bring people together through shared interests. This success encourages us to continue offering similar initiatives in the future.

Looking Ahead

As we plan for the future, we aim to build on our successes by collecting participant feedback to identify areas for improvement. We will also explore opportunities for follow-up events and ongoing support to help participants stay connected and engaged with the Go community.

We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm shown by the community and our partners. Together, we will continue to create spaces where people can learn, play, and grow through the game of Go. Thank you to everyone who made Go Community Play a success!